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HomeAISH Institutes and Seminars

AISH Seminars & Institutes 

The Academy for International School Heads (AISH) offers a variety of professional development opportunities throughout the year.

New & Aspiring Heads Institute was held July 12-15, 2024
in Vancouver, British Columbia

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This event brings both new and aspiring Heads together to learn how the process of securing a position as an International School Head works; what the most essential skills to focus on are as a school Head; how the Headship is different from the Principalship; what to do in the first 100 days; and what the most common pitfalls are for a new school Head.

2024 Summer Seminar 

was held at UBC, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
July 9-13, 2024

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Took place on February 5, in New York City, at UNIS

2024 AAIE Conference 

Our 2023 event took place in conjunction with the AAIE Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.. The  focus was on Developing a Culture of International Mindedness with WIS's faculty and students. It was a great event and we have photos and videos to share.

View the video here.

View the photo album under the Resources tab.

Consulting & Regional Events

AISH consults for schools, governance boards, leadership teams, and often presents pre-conference workshops and seminars throughout the year at schools and regional events.

All consulting, seminars, and workshops offer a specific topic designed for international school leaders and communities. Information about upcoming events will be posted to the AISH website as they are scheduled. If you are interested in consulting for your school or organization, please contact

Coaching & Consulting